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At Halam School we support and promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils through Relationships, Sex, Health Education (RSHE), Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and citizenship education. RSHE and PSHE give pupils the knowledge, skills and confidence to be safe, to be healthy and to develop and maintain positive relationships. They prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in a digital age.

Although not compulsory in primary schools, relationship and sex education is essential to developing the whole child, their knowledge of their own body and positive relationships in-order to keep themselves healthy and safe as they grow. All RSHE and PSHE lessons are tailored to the age and maturity of pupils.


Our curriculum develops pupils knowledge and skills in building healthy friendships and positive relationships in an age appropriate way. The objectives of our RSHE/PSHE curriculum are based around raising awareness of attitudes and values, developing personal and social skills and promoting knowledge and understanding. Our curriculum endeavours to help children develop selfesteem, self-responsibility as well as the acquisition of understanding and attitudes which prepare children to develop caring, stable, healthy relationships. Key values of self-respect, dignity, sensitivity to the needs of others, loyalty and acceptance of responsibility are developed throughout the programmes of study. Diversity, differences, and similarities are addressed in an inclusive and non-judgemental way.

By the end of primary school, pupils should confidently know about and be able to express their options and values of;
• Families and people who care from them.
• Caring friendships
• Respectful relationships
• Online relationships
• Being safe

Pupils are taught about the characteristics of good physical health and mental wellbeing of the benefits and importance of daily exercise, good nutrition and sufficient sleep, and that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health. Including;
• Online behaviour and safety
• Physical health and fitness
• Healthy eating
• Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
• Health and prevention
• Changing adolescent body

We use the Challenge Curriculum's 'Let's Talk' and Medway planning tools, these curriculum tools are underpinned by the latest research and demonstrates effective pedagogical strategies throughout. This ensures a comprehensive and clear progression of skills and knowledge in from EYFS to Year Six.

Links to Online safety and digital citizenship are also taught through the computing curriculum, healthy eating and the importance of diet and exercise are also taught in DT and PE. We have a complementary Safe Behaviours curriculum which outlines additional whole school safety, healthy lifestyle and relationship activities such as Anti-bullying week, NSPCC Pants, DARE programme and Internet Safety week.

As a Church of England school, we believe that we are created in the image of God and that all people are special and loved and should be treated with fairness, kindness and no judgement. We have taken our guiding principles from the RSE Principles and Charter for the Church of England;
• Everyone will be treated with dignity as all people are made in the image of God and loved equally by God.
• All pupils have a right to an education which enables them to flourish and is set in a learning community where differences of lifestyle and opinion are treated with dignity and respect; bullying of all kinds is eliminated; and where they are free to be themselves and fulfil their potential without fear.
• RSHE should ensure that children are able to cherish themselves and others as unique and wonderfully made, keep themselves safe and able to form healthy relationships where they respect and afford dignity to others.
• RSHE will provide pupils with the knowledge that will enable them to navigate and contextualise the world. It will help them to develop the skills to express their own views and make their own informed decisions.

We believe that all young people deserve the right to honest, open and factual information to help better form their own beliefs and values, free from bias, judgement or subjective personal beliefs of those who teach them.


PSHE and RSHE is taught both in discrete lessons and across the wider curriculum. Children apply their knowledge and skills to support their learning across all subject areas. Pupils are supported to develop and maintain positive caring relationships; they are motivated to make a positive difference in the world. They are able to keep themselves safe, live healthy lifestyles.

child playing with toy car

child working with teacher